
PCC要求完成 一个 of following certification 课程s  in order to teach in an online/hybrid format at 大学:

  • PCC在线教学认证(OTC) 课程 - 免费的 and fully online 8 week 课程


  • @One's 在线教学与设计 (OTD) 课程 - fully online 12 week 课程 

的 PCC Distance Ed department no longer offers “fee-waiver” codes for any @One 课程s 因为预算减少了. If you are interested in paying out of pocket and being reimbursed for the cost of the OTD 课程, or any other @One 课程, you must do the following 有资格获得报销.  


PCC在线教学认证(OTC) is an 8-week fully online 课程 that explores online learning theory, approaches to online 课程 design, and strategies for supporting 学生的成功 through Course 设计、交互、评估和可访问性. 本课程是为PCC教员开设的 who are completing the college’s DE training 要求 to become fully certified 在PCC教授在线或混合课程.

This 课程, facilitated 在PCC faculty and staff, is equivalent to the @One Online 教学 & 设计 课程 that also fulfills PCC’s Distance Education certification 要求.


To find out when the next OTC 课程 will be offered please refer to the 培训及工作坊 页面. 我们每学期都会提供一次. 如果您没有看到OTC课程列出 十大靠谱棋牌游戏日历,请联系pcconline@pasadena.详情请参阅Edu 会有一个.


By the end of this 课程, participants will be able to:

  • Develop a comprehensive 课程 plan for a fully online 或者混合课程
  • Use the core features of the Canvas learning management system to design an online 或者混合课程
  • 开发一个介绍性培训模块
  • Develop a learning unit with clear objectives aligned to the 课程 outcomes
  • 设计无障碍课程内容
  • Integrate 开放教育资源 or other material curated from the internet to 支持学生学习
  • 设计 formative and summative assessments to support and measure student learning
  • Use a variety of communication tools, both within and external to Canvas, to support 学生的成功
  • 解释PCC政策和远程学习法规


This 课程 fulfills PCC’s distance education training 要求. 这门课可以 在以下情况下用于预支工资: 12.6.3 Equivalent Credit, section c in the PCC 教师 Contract. 或者FLEX学分,但不能两者兼而有之. 本课程不符合可接受学习资格 信用单位.



Approximately 10 hours per week, for a total of 80 hours.


中间. You need to be very comfortable using most features in Canvas. If you are still learning Canvas, it is strongly recommended that you take @One’s 免费的 画布教学导论 课程 (either the facilitated or self-paced 课程) prior to enrolling in this eight-week 课程.

重要的是: This is a very popular 课程 and we have limited seating. Please only register if you can fully commit to this class during the full length 当然. If not, we recommend waiting till the next term when there will be additional training 可用选项. 本课程只对PCC的在职教员开放. 当您注册时 一定要用你的帕萨迪纳.edu的电子邮件. 登记在一个非帕萨迪纳.edu将 result in being dropped from the 课程 unless your dean has contacted pcconline@sh-fyz.com 申请让你来上课.


的 @One在线教学与设计 (OTD) 课程 is a 12 week fully online 课程 where you will explore online learning theory, approaches to online 课程 design, and strategies for supporting 学生的成功 from within the structure of the four 各节 在线教育计划的课程设计准则.

@One提供了几个部分 在线教学与设计 每学期的课程. 请检查他们的电流 课程目录 课程日期.


  1. 第一次接触 pcconline@sh-fyz.com to let us know you would like to  register for an @One 课程, and which 课程 you 都有兴趣参加. This is required so we can budget for reimbursement and 相应分配资金.
  2. 你必须用你的帕萨迪纳来注册课程.edu的电子邮件. Enrollments completed under a different email will not be eligible for reimbursement 在PCC. Make sure to keep the proof of purchase email receipt you receive from @One 登记后. You will need to provide this to us after 课程 completion when 您要求报销.
  3. If you have limited or no experience teaching in Canvas, @One recommends taking the 简易版本的 画布教学导论 OTD课程之前的课程. 完整的在线课程是免费的,但你确实需要 to register through @One to reserve a seat in the 课程. 不确定你是否需要 帆布课程第一? Do a skills check by reviewing the 课程 outcomes, which are  列在课程信息页面上.


Once you have successfully completed an @One 课程 and received your digital badge from them, you will need to send an email to pcconline@pasadena.这包括:

  1. 你的全名,帕萨迪纳的邮箱地址和部门
  2. Your proof of purchase (email receipt your received from @One)
  3. 你的数码徽章. 要么 分享你的徽章链接 或者附上实际的 .徽章的PNG图像,您可以下载. 

We will verify the information and file your reimbursement request thereafter. 

DE部门. cannot reimburse the cost of @One’s credit option through 弗雷斯诺太平洋大学 (FPU),可用于PCC的加薪. 如信用单位为工资 advancement are needed, faculty must pay for all FPU 课程 fees without reimbursement.

证书 offered by @One can be taken at your option, but these are not necessary to teach PCC的在线或混合课程. 

See the full 课程目录 with 课程 dates and registration links/information: http://onlinenetworkofeducators.org/course-cards/



If you have taught online at another institution but not PCC, you may be eligible 免除部分培训要求. 你需要和学院主席见面 Committee on Online 学习 and the Dean of Distance Education (or designees)  to discuss your experience and present a 课程 you have taught online. 你的课程应该 include all the required elements for an online 课程 from the OEI课程设计大纲.  评估者使用 在线等效教学清单 在复习课程时.


  1. If you have taken the equivalent 课程work, you may be eligible to waive some or 所有PCC培训要求. 等效课程是指涵盖的课程 取得与必修课程相同的学习成果 网上教学 & 设计. You will need to provide proof of completion of previous 课程work, as well as 课程描述. 这些可以发送到 pcconline@sh-fyz.com.
    1. Depending on your past experience and training, 一个 or more @One supplemental 课程s may be required to fill in any knowledge or skills gaps.
      For example: You may have taught DE in a 4-year setting in another state, so it may 我建议你服用 网络教学简介 & 学习,内容包括标准、法规等 & 远程教育教学要求 特别是在加州社区学院.